For some seniors the answer is obvious. They may be too visually impaired to continue driving.
Just consider these vision and driving facts:
A study of the problems seniors face with transportation was conducted by the Beverly Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. summarized their findings with the following themes:
As you begin to research transportation providers, consider these questions:
Finding transportation to go to the grocery store, or to visit friends, is one thing. Finding transportation to go to a doctor’s appointment is another matter entirely. Showing up to these appointments, whether it be a test, a medical procedure, or just an ordinary checkup, is vital to your health.
Because of this, relying on public transportation might not be the best option in medical situations. Fortunately, when medical necessity is a factor, certain other options are made cheaper and more convenient.
The first thing to consider is your overall health. Certain conditions can make travel difficult or uncomfortable, including…
Talk to your doctor before you leave, to see if any medical issues may make a long-distance trip difficult, or if they have any recommendations for how to travel, or what can be done to make it easier.
You also need to determine how you’ll be traveling. Will someone be driving you? Will you be flying? Will you be taking a train or a bus? And will you be traveling alone, or will someone else go with you?
Especially if you have limited mobility, it’s better to travel with a close friend or family member. Someone who knows your medical history and is familiar with your needs can help you if any issues arise, and provide pertinent information in the event of an emergency.
Seniors maintaining their independence is crucial for healthy and active aging. A big part of independence is transportation. If you’re unable to drive, consider using personal transportation whether it’s a large service like ITNAmerica or your local para-transit service.